Monday 6 June 2011

Baby Woody

The woodpeckers, parent and fledgling, have been back this morning, and this time I have some photographs.

Starlings used to be regular garden visitors, but they have declined here as elsewhere. Yesterday there were three young starlings in the garden, for the first time in about 3 years. Another, rather less welcome, visitor was a grey squirrel. It ran along the top of the fence dividing our garden from the neighbour, but didn't actually enter the garden. I shall be keeping a close eye on the bird feeders for signs of disturbance or damage.

Saturday 4 June 2011

Springwatch - Docklands Style

The garden has given me some excellent birding so far this year. We have sparrows nesting under the eaves above the bathroom. Last year they raised 2 broods. This year their first brood fledged earlier this week, so there's every chance of a second brood.

There are at least half a dozen goldfinch fledglings around, along with sparrows, greenfinches and blue tits. On Thursday I was thrilled to discover a woodpecker chick in the garden, being fed by one of the adults.

I have some great pictures of fledglings, but sadly not of the young woodpecker. Hope you enjoy these pictures of a dunnock fledgling, a goldfinch fledgling and a close-up of adult Woody eating all the peanuts.

Thursday 2 June 2011

Midweek Miscellany

I found these beautiful briar roses growing alongside the Guild Wheel path, near Diversion Quay

Great-crested grebes have been a regular, occasional visitor to the dock for some years, but I hadn't seen any for some time.

On Tuesday, I spotted this pair on the Albert Edward dock, not far from the swan and tern nests.

The terns are still much in evidence, at least 2 pairs are nesting now.

I could only see one egg in the swans nest, neither swan was around and I saw them in the lower lock when I walked down past the bridge.