Thursday 29 December 2011

Winter Walk

It was very windy around the Dock yesterday, the few blackheaded gulls that took to the air were really struggling to gain height. . 3 cormorants were stood on the groynes and 10 mallard were settled on the jetties. Only the coots braved the chilly, choppy water, there seems to have been something of a coot population explosion this year.

Albert Edward Dock
Coot x 50
Blackheaded Gull x 10
Cormorant x 3
Mallard x 10

Friday 16 December 2011

First Snow

We had our first snowfall of Winter 2011 today, only a very light covering.

This time last year it had been snowing for 2 weeks and was pretty deep.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Ribble Steam are running their popular Santa Specials again during December. They have got off to a very damp start this year, as it has been a very rainy weekend here. This years the trains are bigger than ever, I counted 5 carriages, all full of happy faces.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Around the Dock

The dock is a pleasant walk and always something to see, no matter the time of year.

There is never a shortage of pigeons around the dock, but I never count them, or watch them. I wonder if other birders do?

There are people at work on their boats, doing essential maintenance jobs during the winter layup.

Where there are people there are usually swans, looking for a handout.

Sunday 16 October 2011

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

It has been a lovely weekend after a somewhat wet week. A Dockland walk in autumn sunshine is a real pleasure.

It's good to see working boats visit the Dock, as well as the pleasure craft. There have been two commercial craft in the log last week, though one had departed before I was able to get out with a camera.

Repair work is still going on at The Waterfront, let's hope it will re-open in time for the Guild celebrations next year.

Sunday 18 September 2011

A Walk Along the Wheel

Last week's winds have brought many leaves down, I'm glad to see the back of them. The winds, not the leaves! The garden bird feeders have been very busy as natural food sources dry up. There are a few swallows around, but not for much longer.

There is still plenty of greenery to admire, and some late flowers.

The Guild Wheel makes a pleasant walk and gets some shelter from the weather.

You might even spot a friendly engine.

Not a native, but a cheery site on a dull day.

Monday 22 August 2011

Monday Meander

There is a definite 'end of summer' feel in the air, although it is very warm and sunny here today.

There are quite a few swallows about, though not as many as in previous years. The bridge amplifies the cries of the ones roosting underneath. There don't seem to be as many terns around though, I'm not hearing or seeing them around the bridge so often now.

Saturday 13 August 2011

Starlings on Saturday

Today started damp and dull, but soon cheered up by lunchtime. The starling family have been in and out of the garden all day, along with blue tits, coal tits, great tits, greenfinches and goldfinches.

So far I have counted 2 adult starlings with 5 youngsters, I managed to snap some of them sitting in a tree.

I was not as pleased to find this cheeky blighter raiding the peanut feeder.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Wednesday Wander

High Water

I have been watching the terns over the bridge and lock area, up to 6 at a time flying over. They can be heard before they are seen, their cries are quite different from the gulls. The RSBP identification guide has recordings of bird calls as well as pictures and descriptions.

Today's Train

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Summer Steam

The Ribble Steam Railway opens its doors on a Wednesday throughout August, as well as weekends. It really is worth a visit, opening times. prices, etc. are on their website

Sunday 31 July 2011

Starlings on Sunday

The starling family is still around, there are at least 2 adults and 2 fledglings. These birds used to be very common around here, but sadly no more. The fledgings and juveniles are very pale compared to the adults*, and the first time one appeared in the garden it took me some moments to realise what it was.

We see them so very rarely nowadays, and have only seen adults in recent years. This is the first time I've seen signs that they're breeding somewhere nearby. Let's hope this is a sign that the local population is recovering.

* These photos on the British Garden Birds website illustrate the differences in colour.

Saturday 30 July 2011

Saturday Sunshine

It has been a glorious sunny day here. The buddleia are in flower, but no butterflies on them today.

In the dock basin

Mute swan x 2
Mallard x 15
Coot x 2
Blackheaded gull x 40
Common gull x 5
Common tern x 4

Friday 29 July 2011

Friday Flowers

Not a promising start to the day, but it had turned fine by lunchtime in time for a stroll.

There have been very few swallows around the dock this summer compared to previous years, but numbers have picked up a bit over the last week or so and there are nests under the bridge and around the locks.

More Docklands Flora

Thursday 28 July 2011

Thursday Thoughts

A real change in the weather today, cloudy and muggy. Feels like there's a storm brewing.

There were around 20 mallard ducks around the steps near The Green Frog, with 9 fluffy and cute duckilings. Also both mute swans plus 10 coots.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Wednesday Wander

Another hot, sunny day - perfect for a summer stroll and more tern-watching. In fact it's difficult to miss them on a walk along the dockside as they fly along at eye level just yards from the railings. There are none in this photo, though.

The newly refurbished and extended Ribble Pilot is once again open for business, with a new garden area proving very popular in the midday sunshine. The Waterfront was damaged by fire right after the festival, the roof damage is now covered by tarpaulin and the planned re-opening is postponed. Hope it all works out OK, it would be good to have a decent bistro or similar on the docks.

Another slice of dock life, spotted outside the dockside apartments

Tuesday 26 July 2011

More Dockland Flora, and a little fauna

Quite a few butterflies along the Guild Wheel today, but none willing to pose for the camera. There is a creature in one of the above photos, easier to spot if you click on them to view full size.

Tuesday Travels

7 swans a-swimming

Seven mute swans were on the Ribble this afternoon, near Penwortham Golf Club, too far away for my little camera.

The terns are still very much in evidence, and very vocal, on the dock. Most have now fledged, I saw a couple of fluffy chicks near one nest today.

Monday 25 July 2011

Docklands Flora

A pleasant sunny day for a docklands stroll, and some lovely wildflowers to admire. Here are some of the things I found on my walk today. This area is rich in wildlife if people take the time to look at and appreciate the world around us.